Project BG-RRP-3.004-0574-C01 "Technological modernization in the enterprise" 2023 Mr.


On 10.04.2023 Mr. "BLOK 2003" Ltd. company began the execution of project BG-RRP-3.004-0574-C01 "Technological modernization in the enterprise", financed under the "Economic Transformation Program" under the "Intelligent Industry" component of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The total amount of eligible project costs is 628 000.00 BGN, and the grant is in the amount of 50% or 314 000.00 BGN. 100% of the agreed funding is from the EU under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism. The duration of the project is 12 the month.

The main goal of the project is to expand and improve the activities of BLOK 2003 Ltd. through technological modernization. Specific goals address individual parameters, through which the prerequisites for the implementation of the main goal will be created: expansion of production capacity in machining processes; increasing digitization; quality improvement, introduction of new varieties of products produced by us; increasing resource efficiency; increase sales and revenue.

The implementation of the project is aimed at providing the missing capacity at the key stage of mechanical processing through turning and milling. We will acquire new technologies with an emphasis on the digitization of production processes through an investment in a vertical CNC machining center with a double pallet station and a CNC lathe.

As a result of the implementation of the project, the production capacity in our enterprise will be significantly increased. With approx 60% and about 20% the company's capacity will increase in the execution of milling and turning operations, respectively. This will increase speed throughout the production chain. We will achieve a consistently high quality of parts and opportunities for new varieties of the parts we produce. We will also achieve a significant resource efficiency effect – in terms of production time, country. energy and raw material. As a result of the increased capacity for machine operations, we will be able to produce with 10% larger volumes of production from our main product group spare parts for forklifts and electric trucks and to achieve a similar growth in sales after the implementation of the project.